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Google’s December 2024 Update

Reason for Google’s December 2024 Core Update

Only a few weeks later after Google finally finished rolling out its November 2023 Core Update, a new one was announced at the Zurich Search Central Live conference by Danny Sullivan from Google. In his words,” If you’re wondering why there’s a core update this month after one last month, we have different core systems we’re always improving.

This update was announced on December 12, 2024, and is expected to roll out in about two weeks’ time. Danny Sullivan also mentioned that Google will try to regularly update their Core systems so that they are not to be seen as a major update and more of a routine.

This update mainly keeps the focus on improving their overall search algorithm and systems for all types of websites across all languages. In short, it is a general update to their core systems. What does it mean for your website though?

What is Included in Google’s December 2024 Core Update?

In brief, Google’s December 2024 Core Update is a general update that improves upon Google’s search algorithms. The update has been said to roll out in about two weeks, affecting all types of content in all languages.

As with most of Google’s Core updates, it is focused on improving search results for websites that have better organic content to rank higher in the search engine.

Will Google’s 2024 Core Update Change Your Website’s SEO Ranking?

Google has always been an enigma with its search algorithm. Several articles on the internet rinse and repeat the same tips and tricks.

Google simply says that content made for users will always rank higher than content made specifically to boost SEO. But there are set rules that have been established as a kind of trade secret on the internet for SEO that you need to follow to improve your chances for a ranking in page 1 of Google’s search results.

These tips are often the basics of what is needed to rank your website in Google. Maybe not on the front page, but rank nonetheless.

However, algorithms are still liable to be decoded, even if they are ever-changing. Once an SEO expert figures out some parts of it, they will always fully utilize this advantage in their services.

Whether you hired an SEO expert or not, the latest update might readjust your site rankings or drastically change (rarely happens) it.

The update is expected to roll out in about two weeks. Even though Google did mention that they would minimize festive season update roll-outs, there has never been a fully clear statement where they announced that they would not update their core systems.

Danny Sullivan clears this out too as Google wants these core updates to be regular and not make them feel like a major change in the search algorithm.

With every year, new content is published daily, and especially with AI content vs human-made content wars, it is only going to be more frequent every year for Google to update its many core systems for its users.

Is The Core Update a Reason For Lower Traffic on Your Site?

Lower traffic means that Google has given you a bad rating for your website content and thinks that this is not relevant to its users.

Historically, only if your website has content that is not user-friendly enough for Google, you might see a small position drop in your rankings, if you are already doing well.

If not, some reasons your website receives lower traffic might be–

  • Need for updates on your site or information to be updated
  • SEO optimization is needed according to the latest update
  • Spam-like content or what Google deems to be spam
  • Hard-to-read content or hard-to-navigate website
  • Not enough content
  • Bad website loading times
  • Not enough backlinks (Links to external sites)

For major ranking drops, make sure that you take Google’s Self-assessment test. These drops are often caused due to spammy links or inorganic and unhelpful content on your website. This is not a subjective opinion but what Google’s algorithm thinks of your website.

These problems are often reflected days after you update your website, but if you notice some major changes in ranking and traffic, it might be time for a deeper assessment with the help of an SEO expert.

What if Your Website’s Rankings are Down?

Even if Google’s December 2024 Core Update might bring your ranking down a bit, they should adjust after a few days. However, it is always essential to just make sure that your site is always user-friendly and filled with good content.

Some helpful tips for making sure that your website does not rank down–

  • Make sure your content is easy to read and easy to navigate, it is often advised to achieve a grade 4 readability score to ensure that a major group of users can read your content.
  • Analyze your website closely and take feedback, objectively.
  • Evaluate, assess, and improve your website for your users, and not for an SEO ranking.
  • Use Google’s resources for websites. There are plenty of resources that Google publishes to help websites rank better. Take this one, for example.

These are a few tips that can help your site retrieve your rankings. However, Google says that deleting your content is the last resort you should take. If your content is non-salvageable after all attempts, it is oftentimes better to just remove or re-write the entire thing.

What Will Happen After Google’s December 2024 Core Update?

Due to Google’s December 2024 Core Update, your ranking might be affected a few days after the update rolls out. However, this might be due to changes in the algorithm, and the site should normally retain its old ranking if everything on your site is in place and the content is organic.

If you have maintained your website’s loading times and user accessibility along with consistent updates in content, your ranking should not be affected too much by the update as usually there are no major changes that occur after Core Updates for websites that have good rankings normally.

However, if your ranking continues to drop or shows up lower than before the update, there might be a problem with your site that needs to be addressed.

Need More Help with Your Website’s Rankings?

In case your website does not rank better, ROI Hunt, SEO Experts in India for 5+ years will help your website reach the first page of Google.

Using updated tools and methods, ROI Hunt provides valuable feedback first and then updates your websites for the best SEO optimization according to Google’s December 2024 Core Update and more future updates.

We have a vast portfolio of trusted sites and companies who have provided valuable feedback that helped us improve our practices for better client understanding and wider personalization choices. Contact our SEO experts in Noida now and lead your website to the first page!